Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Our 4 yr old, before church, says, I don't want to go to church, church is boring. We have told the kids, no toys at church as it is a time to worship God and praise God with our church family. She often does not want to go to children's church and wants to sit with mom and dad. When she does go to children's church she loves it and has a great time, but she is adamant about not wanting to go. How do we encourage her to enjoy church and not have to drag her there? PS - the rest of our family is excited for church and it is a happy time getting ready. (I think MOSTLY our child LOVEs to be at home, but because of both parents working, we do NOT spend a lot of time at home.)

Our 7 yr old seems to becoming more defiant at times when we are going somewhere or asking him to do something. For example, he wanted his friend to come over on Saturday, I said his friend wouldn't be available until 3 and we would call then. When the friend had other plans, our son "lost it" and sat on the bed crying and yelling - "YOU said he could come over, I want him at our house now." I know to stay calm, and not encourage his bad behavior, but we were getting in the car to go somewhere and he would NOT get off the bed and get in the car. He lolligags to get his coat on when he is not happy with a decision we have made. I feel like I spank him often, and tell him to eat his food or sit at the table until morning if he doesn't. What are some suggestions to deal with his defiance?

We have children in various stages from teen down to toddler. Our oldest has begun using swear words. We just can't seem to get this under control.

When our kids were younger it was easy to moderate who their friends were. Now that they are getting older we find it harder and harder to do. Should we still be concerned who their friend are and how would we tell our kids they can't be friends with certain people?